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ianka's letters

Renaissance woman, as in a published writer, creator, performer, entrepreneur. Moving away from algorithm driven environments to create & share my writings. Because you and I deserve it.

The Own Your Story Letter

I wrote a book and created programs on personal branding and thought leadership. This is my one-person business.

In this letter I write about personal branding, thought leadership, storytelling, one-person businesses.

The Brave New Human Letter

I'm starting a new journey called Brave New Human. And I'm building it in public , sharing it with you, if you decide to subscribe to this letter.

We don't want to live our life, we want to own it. Musings, writing, and curated learnings that help the modern human navigate through the complexity of an ever-changing world.

PS. I don't commit to weekly publication. I will go with the flow.

ianka fleerackers


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